Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 4 And Counting...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at 11:27pm

Dear God!
I spent about an hour with my mom in the bathroom today. Just hanging out waiting for her to *poop*. Yep. You read that right. Poop. I have no shame. It's what my daily life consists of. Monitoring intake and discharge. Because believe me, *both* are very important for daily happiness. We're going on day 4 now, and the old girl still hasn't pooped yet. I know she must be really uncomfortable. She did fart, but no number two. We're moving now to ALL poop inducing foods only. Rasin Bran, Shredded Wheat, oatmeal, oranges, medjool dates, anything that can expand and scrub out those intestines. Oh, and lots of fluids. If she doesn't poop soon, I'm going to have to give her something to make her go. Which I'm totally trying to avoid because that just seems seriously not cool and potentially messy for someone who is primarily bedridden right now. :p Ugh. I think I'll go get some coconut water tomorrow and start giving her that. That's a nifty trick I learned in Hawaii. If you OD on coconut, it gives you the loosy-goosies.

She is a trooper though. And so sweet. She had another attack today. She said she was numb. It was really strange. Her body turned white and cold. But her skin was soaking in sweat. Even her arms and the tops of her hands and thighs were wet. I stayed calm. I've seen it enough times to not freak out like I used to. I put my forhead to hers and looked in her eyes and told her she was going to be all right. And that I was here for her. Just to breathe and relax and know that she was safe and she would start to feel better in a few minutes. She just focused on breathing deeply and getting control. She did great. Then I got her back in bed and fed her dinner. I'd say the highlight of her day came after dinner. I fished a hot blanket out of the dryer and brought it to her. She loves warm blankets. I do too. It's one of the best things in the world as far as I'm concerned. It feels so good when you're not feeling well, to be wrapped up in a toasted blanket.
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  • Noemi Medina-Murray likes this.
    • Susan McKinley Ross Vanessa, I appreciate the love expressed when you're taking care of your Mom. Cherries, Strawberries and Raspberries are good food when you're constipated. And black licorice is also very helpful. I hope your Mom has an easier day today.
      June 9, 2010 at 9:26am · 
    • Vanessa Medina Thanks Noemi! Thanks Susan. I appreciate the feedback. I'll try the fruit and licorice. She really likes fruit so that will be easy to get her munch down.
      June 9, 2010 at 11:08am · 

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