Wednesday, June 15, 2011


May 18th, 2009; 8:24 PM
You make me feel like shit. -So why do I love you? Why do I compulisvely seek you out? How come it is so hard for me to simply fall out of love with you, and have no desire to see you? Why do I defend you when my friends all seem to think that you are slimy and not good enough for me? This is the part that is broken in me. I have a faulty wire somewhere in my brain that keeps telling me that if I am persistent and patient enough, that someday things will end well for us. But trying and trying again and again. Loving you no matter what. And forgiving your many indescresions and heart breaking moments will never end up with me as the winner. I will never get what I want from you: love, compassion, respect, nurturance, and appreciation. I will only get a heaping serving of dirt sandwiches from you. I need to finally see that and let go. You are not kind to me. You are only kind to yourself. Good bye. If you cannot treat me well. Then good bye.

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