Friday, May 6, 2011

A letter to my best friend. –I miss you more than words can describe.

April 18th, 2007; 4:38 PM

Current mood:grateful

So I was just on your space and I realized that not only were you my best were everybody's best friend. So many people loved you. Including me. Especially me! I was reading something Sarabecca wrote about you, and I realized that there are times in your life, when you will meet people...who will touch you so deeply. Irregardless of how long ...or short, the duration of your acquaintance, or friendship, or love; that your soul resonates with theirs. -That you feel a deep and undeniable kinship and affinity with them. It is probably why people believe in things like past lives and reincarnation. How else can you explain such intimacy and instant camaraderie? -Something so deep that it would take a lifetime or two to create? (I'm sure you'd have an answer for that...and I'm sure it would be deep and profound...just like you!) It has been a little over a year now...and I still owe your mother that letter. I told her that I would write her a letter about you...and it's so hard. I loved you so much. And this year has been unbearably cold and difficult without you. I miss you. I miss everything about you. Your *Cheshire grin*, the way you sounded like a cowboy on your answering machine. Reading poetry to me...and seeing movies together. I miss our long talks and hugs. I miss seeing you when things were hard and how you always loved me. Always was in my corner. Always had something great to say about it. You were the best friend I've ever had. And I miss you terribly. Oh...and we had so much fun together. No matter where we were...we were having fun together. I guess I'll see you next life time. Or in some unexpected time and place here. Perhaps you've already been reborn? That's a funny thought...that you could be already here on this planet as a baby. -A very sweet baby. I hope your parents love you…as you are the most deserving of love that I have ever known. 
This blog was written about Guy (my best friend)...he died last year in an accident. He was one of the best quality friends that I have ever had. And I was/am grateful to have known him. 

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