October 13th, 2008; 3:58 AM
Current mood:
It's important to have victories in life.
Sitting across the table at dinner. I could have just let it go. Just let you think that you had won the point in the conversation and that my silence meant that "clearly..I agreed." And after a moment of turning in that direction, and looking out of the window pleasantly, I changed direction. I did it for you and for me. It's important to have victories in life. And had I just turned away and smiled, that would have been another defeat. And more distance would eventually wrend us away from our friendship and love. Everybody has to be heard. Everybody has to have an equal place at the table. Particularly when there are only two of us sitting here. So, I picked up the gauntlet. I did not submit. I did engage you -In conversation. And I bestowed upon you, one of my finest gifts -my opinion. My *authentic* self. My thoughts. When there is danger of an argument, I only do this with people that I like, trust, and hold in esteem. Anyone else, I would just not care enough to rile up. -Silly isn't it? When I don't care much -Peace is preferable. However, when I care a lot, I risk more of myself. So I spoke. We talked. And although we did not agree on every point, together we did win. I shmuv you monkey. Thank you for liking me: drool, snorts, and all! :-)
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