Friday, May 6, 2011

Do You Believe In World Peace? ...Or The Tooth-Fairy?

April 16th, 2007; 5:08 PMCurrent mood:hopeful

Do you believe in world peace?
Do you even think it is possible?
Why? Or why not?
What makes you so sure you're right?
How can you be so sure?
Do you believe in yourself?
Do you think that you can make a difference?
Have you ever tried?
What would this world be like if we all focused on finding peace…within ourselves…with our friends and loved ones…but especially with our enemies?
Can you see the greatness in those that refuse to see it in you?
-If you can't, then why would you ever let someone else effect you that way? Why would you ever let them have that kind of power over you? What do you gain by meeting them on their own ground? If someone is base…then why should you be base too? Refusing to see the good in others is like denying their inherent Buddha nature. It is in effect slandering them. (Aka. "I slander your inner-Buddha! I don't think that kind of goodness exists in you.") When in fact it exists in all of us. If we could only recognize this fact and honor it, I think the world would be a much better place. It takes a remarkable inner strength, to stand firm, and be yourself; unwavering, in the face of those who would try to tear you down and make you see yourself as less than you really are. It takes even more strength to believe in the goodness of those who would try to do that to you. -To NOT match hold your ground. (Holding a space for something good to be born from the situation which appears to the average eye to be irretractable and bad) To not see our problems as fixed states, but rather as things which can be changed; all the while, having the deepest belief in ourselves…*and others* to one the happy, loving, and compassionate people we were intended to be. Imagine your greatest enemy, instead of reviling you or feeling nothing at all (-Apathy for others is to me…one of the greatest enemies to human kind and world peace.); but imagine this enemy instead, extending to you the laurel wreath. Hoping for your peace, and friendship to blossom. And in their heart of hearts, hoping for you, the deepest of happiness and love. For your enemy to be rooting for you…to want you to succeed and be happy. For your enemy to no longer be your enemy but to be your friend. Anyone can change friendship into hatred. –there is nothing remarkable about this power. Any mortal can do it. But it would be something truly extraordinary, to have the power to change hatred into friendship. To go the other way. To find our long lost brothers and sisters and once again be a family. I believe in this future. I believe in world peace. And I will be holding a space for this. 

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