I mean I guess I could write about the salad I had last night...that really wasn't very good. Winter vegetables are such a let down. Even the organic ones. The flavor just isn't the same. I had romaine lettuce with yellow cherry tomatoes and it had almost no flavor. The salad dressing was bad too. So I threw it out. That's one thing I don't like about organic stuff. -It rots really quickly. The no preservatives thing makes it a use it or lose it deal.
On the upside, I bought a pair of new work shoes this week. I printed out the little foot-measuring-thingamajiggy online, and then measured my feet. It turns out I've been wearing the wrong size for years. I usually buy a size 9, but it turns out I'm really an 8W. Wide width shoes are hard to come by, so I bought 9's and dealt with the extra toe room. But often times, the back would rub against my heel, and I'd get blisters...because the shoe was too big!! I can't tell you how wonderful it is to put on a pair of shoes that actually fit my foot! Woah! I love them. They're cute, hip, urban, they fit, they're well made and offer great arch support, and I got them on sale! I'd say all in all that was a triumphant shopping foray. I got them for less than I could have even online, from the company that makes them! I am thinking I might just buy shoes in my size now. Like...all the time... Crazypants!
I fell asleep on the couch last night, and was awakened to the sound of an infomercial selling an airbrush system for applying your makeup. I think it must have been the slight haze of that in between state of half waking, half sleeping, that made that airbrush seem like a really good idea. Hmmm. I don't wear make-up generally...and I have bad skin...so I probably shouldn't wear make-up. But all the same...I might get one of those things...But first I'd have to lose weight, get a great car, get a slammin' haircut and a streak of hipster color, and then perhaps I would buy something to make my makeup look good.
Mer. My phone just rang. It was Bree. She started out by saying "Are you back yet?" In a very pushy/flippant/her-way-of-being-friendly-t
To which I replied: "Who is this?"
And she said "It's Bree."
I said, "I think you have the wrong number. This is Vanessa. Did you mean to call me?"
And then she just hung up. Why does she do this? When will she just grow up? And why does she disrespect me so? It's like...all you have to do is say "I'm sorry, I dialed the wrong number." Mer.... Merrr. Double Merrrr.....
- Mood:
Nov. 21st, 2008 03:46 pm
actually, i think the bree thing is funny. either she called you on accident and that mistake made her feel stupid and then act stupid by hanging up, or she called you on purpose "on accident" and you not being like, "wow, hey bree, how are you?" probably made her feel dumb, too. so i think it's funny because either way she made a fool of herself. haha i sound like such a mean person! oh well. i like finding the humor in things.
Nov. 22nd, 2008 12:14 pm
Yeah, the thought had occured to me that it was an "accident" (wink wink) that she called...but that really she wanted to talk to me. I deleted her number from my phone, so I really didn't know who it was. But I have seen this number on my caller ID before. And since they never left a message. I never called back. I always think it's wierd when people do that.
"Hi..I just got a call from this number. Who are you and what do you want?" ...Something about that seems strange and unfriendly to me.
..And yes, I agree. She did make a fool out of herself either way.
Nov. 22nd, 2008 04:12 am
It kind of sounds like she might have meant to call you...and like she was trying to get some sort of a rise out of you in some way. Odd.
I want to know if I, too, am wearing the wrong shoe size! Maybe I'm a 6w and not a 7! AHHHH!
I miss you, will you come to ladies week this Monday? :( Please?
Nov. 22nd, 2008 12:22 pm
I think she was trying to get a rise out of me too. It's kind of her M.O. She is the kind of person who would go out of her way to be mean. Meh. C'est la vie.
Here's a link to the Naturalizer site, where I got the little print out thing for measuring your foot. Check it out and see. Maybe you are wearing the wrong sized shoe. I'd imagine it's probably something like bra sizes..in which there are a lot of women out there wearing the wrong size.
And I'd love to come to ladies night. I've just been sick, and exhausted lately. Will you come and get me??
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