Protest Schmo-test!
October 26th, 2008; 8:59 AM
Current mood:
On the way to work this morning, I was in the car with Thea, and Sash. I was sitting in the backseat, for the most part, listening to my I-pod chilling out. When we came to the main intersection in Sebastopol (a quasi-liberal refuge infested with hippies who have evolved into hippie-yuppie-hybrids) there were a bunch of protesters on both corneres. -Not too surprising considering where we were. So, I checked out their signs. They were conservative Christians in favor of Prop 8. That thingy-majiggy (initiative measure...but I like the technical term "thingy-majiggy" better) that would further stretch the reach of bigotry into our lives by denying gays and lesbians equal protection under the law (their constitutional right!) and take away their recently apointed right of marriage in the state of California. Bah! It was too early for this crap! And what were these people doing protesting in the heart of a town that does love protesters...just not this type. (Democracy and freedom is great isn't it? You have the right to piss off anyone you like! And if you do it with a sign, there's very little they can do.Yay!) I'm a clean cut girl. I think many people would consider me (inaccurately) conservative. I made eye contact with one of the protesters. And I exercised my right to freedom of speech. I used *sign language* to convey my thoughts we were whizzing by in a car. I think she got my meaning. I have rarely flipped anyone off. But it felt good. -Is that wrong??
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