December 10th, 2008; 11:29 PM
Current mood:
I don't know what person came up with the idea of paying your property taxes right before Christmas...but bah-humbug to them.
However...being the fiscally responsible person that I am (working towards being), I paid them on-time-in-full-woo-hoo-for-me-oh-yeah-baby. Ack. Gasp. Cough. And now the pat on the back and the feeling of being broke. Yay.
I realize that it's time to start cooking things out of my freezer and not being so wastefull with food. I spend way too much on groceries. I'm ordering my seed catalogs and next year, I am going to grow a garden and try to grow my own organic produce. I am on target timewise...I just have to keep it all in perspective and not over order my seeds. I heard about a family that didn't buy anything new for a year. Books were checked out from the library or borrowed from friends, food was grown and preserved in cans or dried for winter, clothes were mended instead of being thrown away and replaced, and their lives were much more simple and centered around human interaction and not consumerism. I have always found this idea to be an interesting one. Could I live a whole year without buying anything new? More realistically...could I go a month? How long would it take before I was seriously tempted to buy something? And what would that something be? Would it be something I medicine, or something for my mother? Or would it be something silly like a chai latte that tempts me? How would I do it? How well would I fare? Would life be the same pretty much, or would I feel the austerity?
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