January 10th, 2009; 1:11 AM
Current mood:
Cold on the outside (I have to crank the heater up a smidge)Warm on the inside (I had a great evening out with two of the most wonderful, lovely, and very fun friends. I'm happy, slightly snookered, and dearly loved.)
Curious (as always) Tonja met BBQ today. Hahaha. I'll admit it. I think when people give themselves nick-names and then try to make other people call them that such as: "BBQ" it is all at once, a charming, and deeply amusing thought to me. I have to giggle a little bit. It's cute. I have never had a nick name that I started for myself. "V" is the most common one. Anyhoo...I am curious how it went. Simply because she left a message that sounded like he introduced himself as BBQ (to which she did not recognize -because I never call him that unless I'm joking around.) I hope it went well.
Happy. (Timmy-bean and I chatted. He advised pairing a chateauneuf du pape with brick-roasted gopher. And then we discussed pana cotta, velvet jackets, Gary Busei (sp?), and Eddie Izzard. Good times. Good times. )
Very amused. (Mark gave me a bit of humorous chiding about my deepseeded love for Whitney Houston gay-club-remixes.) She kicks ass. ...And then she shakes it!
Joshua told me *why* he decided to go by BBQ up at Northstar. He was called BBQ in high school, in Iowa. It was a time in his life that exemplified a lot of the feelings that he wants to imbue his life with now. He felt good, happy, confident, and connected. I grock that. So now I'll stop giggling.