November 19th, 2008; 8:04 PM
Current mood:
The rack of lamb was succulent. I'm sure the dog enjoyed it. -Bitch.
She it the most insubordinate dog ever. It's on her tag:
J-Lo "Punk-Rock Dog"
If found please call my mother.
She's a back-talker, counter-surfer, food stealing, bone-burying-in-the-couch-where-you-will-find-it-later-when-you-have-company-over-of-course!, howling at the moon and anything else that strikes her fancy, dog.
And yet, I love her. She's loyal. And has the truest big brown eyes, that say "I love you" all the time. And she likes to cuddle, and protect my mom. And she is eager to please. And although I may never be able to trust her with the honor system, and a rack of lamb (she is a dog of course), I love her enough to consider this her Christmas present -early. Or maybe an unexpected Un-Birthday present. After all, doggies have un-birthday's too. Now, I just have to figure out what she did with those bones??? Dude. I bet they're in the couch. Or her super-secret-hiding spot...wherever that may be. Probably in the folds of my blankets, or my mom's bed. Bah! Oh well. Dinner was still great. -For all of us.
On the plus side...I did get in my order for a Willibird free range turkey. And it will be more protected than the rack of lamb.
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