November 17th, 2008; 9:54 AM
Current mood:
Thanksgiving is coming!
When I was a kid, I spent a lot of time in the library. I loved it there. I loved researching things, and letting my mind wander and follow a string of different fancies in an afternoon. I could just explore and learn.
One afternoon, I went down to the library, with the intent of composing a menu for my family's Christmas dinner. I was going to come up with the best dishes, and make the perfect meal. I figured that I would peruse the cooking magazines, and books. While I was there, I met a very nice gentleman, who was sitting at my table. We ended up chatting a bit, and we talked about food. We came up with the best menu ever! Complete with Pheasant under glass, and sweet potato pie. We discussed the differences between a sweet potato and a yam, and how most people didn't really know the difference. I vowed (a solemn vow for a child) that I would make an official SWEET POTATO PIE! At the end of the menu planning fete, my companion revealed to me that he was homeless. He gently unwrapped a cough drop, and place it in his mouth; all the while explaining to me that his cough drop meant as much to him as my Christmas dinner meant to me. Some how the conversation turned toward how we should treat one another, as people on this planet. He was proud of me for how kind, and simple, and straightforward I was. He told me that my family had raised me right because it didn't matter to me if he was ritch or poor; I treated him with respect regardless of that. Then he told me something that I will never forget. He told me to travel with the man I am going to marry. -Before I marry him. He said to go to a 3rd world country, where we don't know anybody, and have no ties. And to not stay in the nices hotels. And for me to take notice of how he treats people. He said, if he treats people well, than that's what I can expect down the road. But if he is nice to me, but looks down on others, or treats them harshly, or shabbily because they are poor or servants, then that is also what I can expect down the road, and to not marry him.
...random ramble. I was inspired by my thoughts of Isle Floatant, Creme Brulee, Pavlova's, Christmas Butter Cookies, and Rack of Lamb.
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