I thought we were doing it yesterday. But apparently the e-mail Leslie sent was referring to NEXT week...blalbalballbalba...and there was even a date on it...which I failed to notice. Hahahaha. So after work I dropped off the mail and rode down to the bus station and hopped on the first bus I could to Petaluma. Somehow I thought I would find the time to call and make sure we were having it, and also where it would be...but I didn't...until I was happily on my way, feeling good for being so self-sufficient. Well on my way to Petaluma, I heard back from Alexia. She and Will had plans, and Jodi was busy with the boy until Monday, and most importantly Alexia clued me into the DATE. Hmmm... OK. How do I get off of this bus??? And where the fuck am I??? Hahaha. Yeah. It was an adventure. Oh well. At least I know I can do it in the future. :-P
...Other randomness...
I found out that this sticky sap that seems to almost rain down from the trees near my work and create a sticky black mess underneath their canopy is *not* sap after's a secretion that comes out of the butt of an aphid. Bleh. I have gotten that stuff on my face as I rode by. Yeah. Tasty. :-P
Is there anything else to comment on?? Probably. Nothing major. I'm addicted to black teas. I have been sipping Darjeeling, English Breakfast, and Earl Grey all day long. I love it. I probably shouldn't overdo it though...but I don't care. It's so nummy nummy. :-) All I need now are a few tea sandwiches, and a scone with clotted cream and strawberry preserves. :-)
- Mood:
Oct. 10th, 2008 10:38 pm
i'm so sorry that you got the dates confused! what a pain in the butt -- but thanks for being so willing to go out of your way to hang out. And maybe I can at least give you a ride home afterwards on thursday since i'll be heading up to will's anyway. love you girl. i would call but it's late and i'm exhausted. hugs!
Oct. 11th, 2008 12:33 am
Lady lady!! I've been meaning to get back to you but things have been go-go-go and hectic with the boy here and adventuring (Muir Woods! Jenner! Driving about randomly!)
I'm glad you figured everything out, and I'm SO sorry you got all the way to Petaluma for no reason!!!
We are also switching ladies night to MONDAY NIGHTS officially from here on out--that way Jess can participate!
SO--there WILL be one this upcoming Monday. If you can bus, that would be great, since I will likely be getting up just before it starts.
And then, of course, October 16th with Leslie :)
<3 <3
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