Friday, May 6, 2011

My Lesson In Not Taking Bad Timing Personally...hehe

  • Sep. 18th, 2007 at 12:29 PM
Floppy Bunny Mess
So, for the last three days, (I'm including today and Sunday...even though Sunday was only really late Sunday evening...and today was only like 30 minutes ago...I'm only saying this because I already acknowledge that the time has not been *that* long..) anyhoo...where was I....I have tried talking to him 3 times....and each time was a no go! I realize that all times he has been busy. Day 1. He was just home from a trip and tired, and going to bed. Day 2. He was putting together his spiffy new doohicky. Day 3. (today) He was at work (at lunch...just so you know I wouldn't normally bother someone at work...unless I knew it wa....  [Well...*he* just IM'ed me in the middle of that sentence...hehe. ((sheepish grin))...ummm....hahahaha] Anyhoo....I guess what I was getting around to saying was...even though I know not to take these things personally...I do sometimes.. And I was trying to remind myself that there was nothing personal about it ...I wasn't being shunned...there was no "Vanessa Ban" going on...Bah! I am so sensitive sometimes...and I *know* this one! I know not to get my panties in a bunch and get unnecessarily hurt feelings. So I'm a dork...oh well! hahahahaha

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