Thursday, May 19, 2011

I Feel Petty...Oh So Petty...I Feel Petty, And Witty, And Bright!!!

  • May. 22nd, 2008 at 10:05 PM
Floppy Bunny Mess
 It's so petty...
but I'm actually happy at the small recent report from Joshua. I called him to invite him out this weekend. He called back pronto. And asked if I was busy. -I was. I had plans to take a walk with a friend. So he asked if he could come over and take a nap on my bed while I hung out with my friend, so that he could see me after. -That's a good sign. I'd say if this was a competition with April, I'd be winning. ...Not that this is...but I'm just saying...if it *were*, I'd be kicking her ass all over the place. (ahem.) 
On to more petty news...
...Joshua told me that living with April was not easy. It was hard. She was hard to live with. (Hehehehehehahahahhah YESSSS!) I was really supportive, and I focused on the positive. I told him that I actually thought that him living with April might turn out to be a really good thing. Of course he was perplexed and asked why...and then I said something about how she's really neat, and it might be a good thing for him to be living with her. He agreed that she would be a good influence there. But he also said that living with Oshyan and Sophie was nice because they were really cool and chill people ...and April is *not* chill. (So petty ...but it felt good to hear!) ...Ummm... I did reiterate the same sentiment that I have extended to her in the past..which is...that I DO hope that one day she and I are friends. Joshua said that he seriously doubts that that will ever happen...(because she really doesn't like she's a curmudgeonly bitch....gee...I wonder why she doesn't like me??) Oh well... I'm getting carried away with this now. I have to remember that competition is NOT what I want to engage in. The moment I do take it there it will get seriously ugly and there will be no real winners....SO I'm TRYING TO BE BETTER THAN THAT...Unsuccessfully today (obviously!!) But I'll start my negativity fast in the morning!


( 3 comments — Leave a comment )
[info]vanmedi ( wrote:
May. 23rd, 2008 12:06 am (local)
How can someone be so chipper and evil all at the same time? ...Oooh and bored! I'm commenting on my own post. :-P
[info]kitty8fish ( wrote:
May. 23rd, 2008 12:05 pm (local)
hahaha i love chipper and evil. you're the best. and yeah, if this WERE a competition, i think april's losing. but really, you're a winner no matter what! cause you're awesome. you win the awesome competition.
[info]vanmedi ( wrote:
May. 23rd, 2008 05:19 pm (local)
I love you!

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