Thursday, May 19, 2011

Dr. Jones Meet Dr. Said

May 22nd, 2008; 3:03 AM

Current mood:aroused

Indiana Jones is such an icon! I swear. Some of the stereotypes depicted in those movies are so negative. They are to those derogatory rap lyrics that really are not uplifting to women...and yet the beat is just so good...or the style is so raw and primal...that I just can't help but rock to the beat. What I'm saying is: I get that the negative sterotypes are there in the movie. But I like it anyway. I think Indy is hot! And fun! And a part of me wants to be like him. ...Silly isn't it? Edward Said's "Orientalism" is full of truths about how American culture depicts negative sterotypes of Middle Eastern/ Asian people. (We watched the "Temple of Doom" before we saw the new Indiana Jones film in the theater tonight.) It got me thinking about this. And in some ways...the new movie isn't *that much* better. It is better....but I get the feeling that 20 years from now...we'll probably look back with a bit of embarassment and say "I'm so glad it isn't like *that* anymore." (Which is what we found ourselves saying about the Temple of Doom.) Anyhoo...Social change is slow. Progress is made bit by bit. But in the interim...I will still enjoy my Indiana Jones flicks..for as long as they continue to make them. :-)
(I'm like a dieter..that keeps eating coco puffs...but they're so damn good!)

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