Who is this guy? Why is he speaking to me? And then I realize...Oh my god! -It's the tow truck driver. This is the guy who towed my broken Volvo from my mechanics to my house!?! In case you're wondering why I would do such a silly thing...there is a reason: I am waiting for the state budget to be passed, so that I can retire my car and get some cash for it since it won't pass smog. At this point, I could just chuck it, but a thousand dollars is enough incentive for me to have it towed to my house, where it has been leaking like a MF all over my driveway. (grumble grumble) Anhyoo.. It's the way he leaned in (into my personal space) ...and I feel all weird saying that...but honestly, the way he said it made me feel all weird. And yes. This is my touchy sore spot to boot! So I don't exactly take kindly to strangers talking about it while I buy my locally grown, organic free-range chicken eggs. It was also the way he said it...like he was trying to strike up a conversation with me...and possibly hit on me...I'm not sure. But it creeped me out. I wanted to go home and get out of my bike clothes immediately and take a shower. He's probably a really nice guy. But I have "ways" that I like to be hit on and "ways" that I don't. And I know it's not fair because no one is psychic...so how would anyone know what the right way is?? -Right? I agree... however...I still get the creepy crawly skin feeling when it is NOT how I feel comfortable. Not to mention...I already like someone a lot -Joshua! I had a really random giggly notion of wearing a t-shirt that says: "Don't hit on me. I'm not interested." Ah, how curmudgeony can one girl get? Anyhoo... the guy goes on to say that he's seen me all over town. Bah! How humiliating. I don't want to be spotted and remembered by this guy. (cringe) Riding home I vow to get a car ASAP. I mentally go over the list of people who have "spotted" the great wild Vanessa in her natural habitat (apparently on a bicycle). -Bah! Let's see...there's: Randy, Amy, Mike, Florence, Steve, Bree, Aidan, Gene, Mike, Charity, Millie, Pat, Sasha (I ran into her today too), and my History of God Prof....oh and let's not forget the tow truck driver. E-gads! And this is only the list of people that I know of. Most of these people I was really HAPPY to bump into. However, I just don't like to feel that exposed to the world. I am not the type of person who enjoys being spotted. Unless it is by someone that I love. And then I love to be surprised by their presence. Silly isn't it? I guess I'm kind of slow to warm up to people.
Location:Home Sweet Home!
Mood: Filthy and Grossed Out
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