Wednesday, June 15, 2011

My name is: NO! NO! BAD DOG!

Sunday, June 14, 2009 at 11:51pm

I remember now why I don't usually rent video's anymore at the local Video Droid. -It's the late fees. I'm always late. I just never seem to have enough time to watch the movie before it's due (even though I really want to!) So "Castaway" is one day late, and I swear it won't be two! I hop in the car with 8 minutes to spare before they close, and the dog is riding shotgun. I love having the pooch go for short car trips around town with me. It reminds me of heroic post-apocalyptic the one Mad Max is riding around with after the end of the world. My dog is nowhere as rough and tumble...but she's still good company. Anyhoo... It's neat that she's finally getting the hang of riding in the car with me. And she's also gotten down being off leash (or so I think). When we get home, I hop out of the car, and she comes bounding after me. A man riding his bicycle comes swiftly around the corner. He is upon us so quickly, that the dog doesn't know what to make of it. She's right in the path of his headlight with her head cocked to the side. He starts swerving around her all while saying "Oh! No! No, no!" I call her and she gets out of the way...and then goes chasing him down the block! I can't believe she did that! It was embarrassing and funny all at the same time. I tried to scold her and be mad about it...but I couldn't help but laugh at her. She was so proud of herself. Defending the neighborhood from rogue bike riders. She didn't bark at him, and I certainly don't think she would have bitten him...but she did have a really good time giving him a chase. When she came, she was happily panting and frisky. Like she was saying "Gee mom! Look what I did! Yeah...Yeah...Don't mess with the best baby! I'm bad! I'm so bad they call me badness!" 
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