Aug. 17th, 2009
8:23 PM
Who woulda thunk it? The turning point would be a new bike. It was just enough to create a small space for positive momentum. And once the inertia of that momentum took place, things finally started to get better.
Groups:Inner Circle Peeps
kitty8fish wrote:
Aug. 18th, 2009 05:12 pm
Just caught up on the last couple of entries -- a lot has been going on!
Yeah, good ol' what's-his-name... :P But I am so glad you had the experience of someone treating you well recently -- and isn't it funny how you think, wow, so-and-so would have never done this... but i like this and i want this!! And it's awesome to actually get it!
Yay about the bike... I loved what you said about it, "She's having a hard time, let's give her a bike." :)
Love you hon, you'll make it through this and get ready for all the awesomeness that's waiting out there for you.
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