Thursday, June 16, 2011

Creating New Habits

Aug. 26th, 2009 at 11:10 AM

It's funny how a few small things can linger on the list of things to be done. 

I have started to work on my house. It's obviously a very slow process for me. And it gets better, then messy again. But this morning, I was getting ready for work, and realized that 1. my hallway was pleasantly clear. 2. the bathroom floor was also clear. 3. I was actually USING the *new* rug in the bathroom that I had bought sometime last Christmas, and then stored. I'm not sure what I was waiting for...I guess I didn't want to use it until the whole house was clean. I kept using the old bathroom rug that had a stain on it. Finally I noticed how perfectly the old bathroom rug fit in the dog's crate, and how nice and thick it I gave it to her. She likes it. And I really like my new rug. 4. My bedroom has clean fresh sheets. 5. My mom's room has fresh sheets and blankets. 6. The kitchen sink is completely clear and clean. 7. The pile of laundry by the washing machine is *is* waiting to be folded and put away...but at least it's clean now. 8. The bathtub is clean.

Now my house is still messy. And I am working on it. But It really feels good to see these minor/major improvements. And as small as it really does work, and make me feel good to see my clean empty kitchen sink. Every time I see it, I smile. 

Today, I am going to try to make a list of things that I want to do every day. Like: get up earlier and make sure that my mom is up and dressed before I go to work. I always check on her. And make sure that she goes to the bathroom and has breakfast, but I rarely make her get out of her jammies and make her bed before work. A lot of the time she just wants to stay in bed and sleep. And I figure if she's at least up and dressed...well...she can still take a nap on top of her bed. But I just want to get into the habit of doing this every morning. I don't because it takes an enormous amount of energy and feels like I'm fighting the tide, particularly because I can't see any clear reason *why* I should be doing this. But I just want to try it out for a while and see how I like this habit.
Groups:Inner Circle Peeps

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