I just had brunch with my girlfriends. The Three Musketeers. As predicted, one talked ad nauseum about her jack-ass husband. -The one who's cheated on her numerous times...I hate him. Before you call me on it, I'm going to call myself on it and just openly admit that *yes* I am being a judgmental hypocrite here. I know it. I'm aware of that factoid. But it really doesn't change how strongly I feel about this. And perhaps it is especially acute in me BECAUSE of my past experiences with a similarly selfish jack-ass type. I *know* personally how wearing being with a person like that can be on your self-esteem, and how it can also degrade your sense of what is "normal" to expect in a relationship. I have soooo been there. And I never want to be there again. And I don't want any of my friends to experience it either. I can see a small difference though in how she and I have handled it. And it's a painful one for me to bear witness to. Unlike her, I finally made my way through the bullshit and got out. AND I fully reclaimed and am in the process of resetting MY ideas of what is and is NOT healthy behavior, and what I should expect/not settle for/and even DEMAND in a relationship. I don't see that happening as much with her. She gives lip-service to it. But what I actually see happening is him twisting her mentality and having such sway over her that he basically sets the tenor of their relationship. HE calls the shots. HE says what is normal. And most unfortunate for her...his version of NORMAL includes lying and cheating. Not to mention making her feel in some way that she should expect that kind of crap because it's really all her fault for turning into a fat cow. RRRRRAAAAWR! I so wish I could just wave a magic wand and make him disappear....*Swish* You're gone! No more jack-assery! No more dick-heads pretending to be good guys when they're really just not. God I hate him!
- Groups:Inner Circle Peeps
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