Monday, May 23, 2011

Without Limits Or Fears

September 19th, 2008; 7:43 AM

I have a recurring thought: If Anthony Robbins, or some other really great person's spirit was in my body. -Had all of my life circumstances and challenges. -Was basically me. I have no doubt that they would have an awesome life. I have no doubt that they would be able to, from this moment forward, make clear, decisive, powerful decisions; that would result in creating everything that I yearn for. I really think that not only would Anthony Robbins be able to get a new car and feel good about the decision, he would get my house clean, streamlined, decorated, find a new roommate, take great care of my mom, not feel all of the guilt and pressure and feelings of failure that I feel on a consistent basis. He would find a way to get back in college and finish. He would get that Ph.D. He would do it now, so that I wouldn't lose my scholarship. If he had to, he would take online courses. And he would be actively searching for ways to improve the quality of my life, on a consistent basis. He would be able to relax at the end of the day, and feel really proud of himself for all of his accomplishments. And that feeling of relaxation, and general goodness, would resonate in his life and affect the quality of his relationships. People would be happy to see him. Be glad to be around him. Be inspired by him. All of those challenges would just be opportunities for him to show how great he really is. I mean, I don't think anything would stand in his way. Nothing would get between him and his ultimate happiness and success. And the ride in the mean time would be enjoyed. …I really need to live my life like this. I had a friend once, who told me that what she admired about me was how clear, and easy it was for me to lay out my goals. And how I didn't get intimidated or afraid of the distance between where I was and where I wanted to be. I don't feel like that anymore. I get scared. I get sad even. Some moments, it seems hopeless and futile. …I want to leave that part of me behind. I want to make a major shift in the way that I manage and experience my life. I don't want to feel the struggle as much anymore. I want to embrace my life and be glad that I am where I am. And know that I am steering my ship; and I can take myself anywhere I want to go. –Without limitation.

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