Rocky Balboa!!! -Luvs him!
September 13th, 2008; 7:28 AM
Current mood:
I stayed up late last night watching the Rocky marathon! It was fun. I watched I, II, and part of III... I pooped out around my 5th hour of Rocky. Even though I really wanted to see it. I wanted to get through Rocky IV because I love that one especially. He goes to Russia...and runs in deep snow...and carries logs. It's so manly and cool! Plus it just really exemplifies the silliness of the 80's and the cold war to me. I find it really iconic and I love it. It was interesting watching the movies again from an adult perspective. I never noticed as a child, that Rocky really doesn't *win* his fight in the first movie. It's much like the ending in the last movie. It's more about having the grit and determination to go after your dreams than it is to have that perfect Hollywood ending, where you beat everyone into submission. It's about standing in the ring and not giving up. -I like that. I really like that. I am such a Rocky fan. I have always loved these movies. They hold a special place in my heart from my childhood. What can I say? I had two older brothers. Lalo and I used to run around the house with blankets around our necks (they were supposed to be capes), and we would play or sing the theme songs to Rocky. Both the musical theme...and "Eye of the Tiger". I still have that on vinyl! It was loads of fun. For a moment there with my Mom, she began to speak to me during the movie. And she was using her old voice. It sounded so sure and clear. She glimmered through as my mother there for a moment. She told me something that I didn't know. A memory that clearly wasn't prompted by me. It was cool. She told me that she and "Vincie" (her brother) used to go to the fights together. And she could never watch. She tried. She cheered, but watching them get really hurt wasn't her thing. I had no idea that my mother had ever been to a boxing match. -Ever. And for her to recall that and share it with me was amazing. She wasn't just some sweet little lumpkin in that moment. She was my mom.
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