anyhoo... he goes outside for a cigarette, and when he come in he says "Hey you... Come here. Give me a hug." And he's really soft and gentle. Like he really wants to hold me. But I'm still having my visceral response and I am thinking 'Dump him quick. Before he hurts you. Just get rid of him." And then I'm thinking about how Tim jokingly said: "And then I gave the monkey a key to my house...and he threw poo at me." And I'm waiting for it. I am waiting for the poo to come. Joshua is going home. He says he's feeling really antsy and he just wants to sleep in his own bed tonight. And I inform him that I think that's lame. Not that I'm even sure that he even cares about my feelings. All indications point to no there. He wants to know if I think he's being *rude* or *lame*...I clarify that I think he's being lame. And part of me goes...why am I having any kind of feeliings or reaction here? AM I overreacting? What's the big deal anyway? I've totally been at his house before and just wanted to come home and sleep in my bed because I think it's way more comfortable than his bed. Plus it's obvious that he wants to stay up late, and I need to go to sleep because I work in the morning. I need to relax here. But SERIOUSLY I hate this kind of malarky. It's 11 o'clock at night...don't do anything lamepants that is going to stress me out. Because late at night...I just want to chill. I want to go to sleep and have sweet dreams. Instead, I went to bed stressed and I woke up stressed. I went to work stressed...and at some point I thought about this Anthony Robbins CD that I was just listening to about controlling your state. And I had a realization that I was playing my get mad/feel unloved/be sad/get stressed record. And I had to get myself into a more useful state than that. Plus I don't want to torture myself. So...I thought about different things that I could do to break my state. Luckily I had a brisk walk, and listened to some good upbeat music and that did it. I am still left with knowing that I do not want to be used or mistreated. I also don't just want to hang out. I want to be with someone who uplifts my life and who really cares about me and my feelings. I want someone who is doing everything he can to keep me in his life and love me. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.....
- Mood:working