July 30th, 2008; 12:06 AM
Current mood:
After more cancelled plans (I swear! It must be the season or my karma or something! This is the 2nd day in a row that my plans have been cancelled...and tomorrow looks like *I'll* have to cancel plans!) anyhoo...I had some free time in my schedule to go hang out with Marie. -She's this awesome Sweedish librarian friend of mine (no joke) who just happens to be in town at the moment. We ended up going to the County fair for a walk through the hall of flowers, and a tour of the art, etc. (we got to see the toothpick guy do his thing and give a talk about his sculpture) If you don't know what I mean...you should check it out here:Toothpick Thingy
Anyhoo...The fair was great, I'm glad we didn't stay forever. I got my peanutbutter fudge, and some jewelry (-Which is very unusual for me, since I rarely wear let alone *buy* jewelry; however, I really like the style..the bracelet is kind of like Masai beaded jewelry) My car was having issues and saying PLEASE take me into the shop NOW (or else), so I dropped my car off at the mechanics and walked home with the dog. It was quite an adventure! I had to walk through the ghetto late at night to do this. I remembered all of the gang bangers from that neighborhood (I used to live there as a child) and I think I was a bit scarred from the stress of living in an area where there was random and senseless violence. I actually thought about what I wore before leaving my house. I didn't want to look like a mark but I also didn't want to look too hood...basically I just wanted to blend while also saying "Hey I'm harmless and nice...but all the same...don't fuck with me." -It's hard to pick out an outfit that says that. I actually enjoyed the walk. And now I'm off to bed. Tomorrow, I am without a vehicle. Strange. New. World. -I am a pedestrian!
I am taking the BUS to work! Hahahahaha public transit! Let the adventure begin! I'm going to practice riding my bike, and perhaps I will ride to work once I am able to. (I'm not very good at it yet! But I'll work on that.) Hmmm... I hope this all goes well.
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