Thursday, May 19, 2011

Just Trust

May 20th, 2008; 11:56 PM
Current mood:okay

"...I have gone through some very hard things in my life where I look back and see quite clearly that I suffered needlessly. And much of that had to do with my attitude. If I could only see into the future, I would have known that I had no reason to be afraid or sad because everything would turn out great in the end. So I try not to make those mistakes again....The way I think it applies here has to do with your feelings on getting close to someone, becoming attached to them, and then having them explore their lives. I don't think you have to feel that way. (Yes..I'm telling you how to feel now..sick isn't it! :-P) I guess I feel that if you knew that those people would return...and maybe even come back better than before..or that new and wonderful friends would come soon, then it wouldn't be so bad enjoying people in the present moment and trusting that the love and bond between you will last, like an invisible string...connecting you two, even when you are apart."
Sometimes I say some pretty cool things to other people. The challenge for me is to say those same cool things to myself. And remember my inner wisdom when I need to. It would be nice to be in touch with my inner Yoda, when I feel like I'm being blown by the 8 winds. "trusting that the love and bond between you will last, like an invisible string...connecting you two, even when you are apart." is what I need to remember right now. I have to trust.

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