July 25th, 2008; 5:00 PM
Current mood:
"I like male company." The voice of Mrs. Rhiney came floating over to the front desk. I shouldn't be listening to this. But I really can't help it. I have to man the front. When the phone rings, I have to be here to answer it; and I greet any guests that come in the door. So really my job is somewhat stationary. I *have to* be here.
In the next room over, I could hear the voice of the old woman, describing a lover she had had. –A classical singer. He loved opera. And he was so romantic. Always bringing flowers and singing her arias. Part of me envied the old woman. She still had it. And her life sounded interesting.
A small pod shaped flower sat on my desk. The rims of the petals were lined in a deep plum color, even thought the main fleshy part was a pale greenish ivory. When I picked it up and looked inside, I saw the bright green stamen. -Very flashy for the plant world. It's kind of like having a neon green penis. An agent brought it in and gave it to me. He was Chinese. Apparently, this is a flower from his homeland. "It's part of the magnolia family." he said. I couldn't tell if I liked the scent or not. It was unusual. Like nothing I had ever smelled before. "It kind of smells like a marker." My coworker said. It did. But it also reminded me of nail polish, stargazer lilies, the sweet scent of the candy isle in the Asian food mart, and something else. It was the kind of scent that would hang well in the warm moist air of the tropics. Air like that is heavy. It wraps itself around you. Sitting here, I realize that I am in an office building. –Daytime. Air conditioning. Polite. Buttoned up. But when I close my eyes, that scent brings my imagination to life, and I am in a hot and humid climate. Somewhere in South East Asia . In a private walled garden. With the jungle to my back. It's night time. And the virtual absence of city streetlights is apparent, but welcomed. Instead there is candle light and lanterns. And the smell of the flowers on the tree lingers in the air. Heavy, heady, and nice.
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