August 10th, 2008; 8:40 PM
Current mood:
Picked up my bike today at the Bike Peddler. I love those guys! They are so nice. However, their bike shorts for women really don't work for me. The only ones I found in my *potential* size, were EXTRA SHORT!?!? WTF?! Like I really want all of my womanliness hanging out! Aaaahh luckily there are the interwebs...where anything can be found and procured for a price. I am ordering a pair of butt-cushy-bike-pants and some sort of jacket with reflectors, preferably in an unnatural neon citron color.
I love my new panniers! I also love my new bike rack, that they are attached to. I stopped by Ron's house, in the hopes of getting my CD's from him, and he totally made my day! I just love getting a good shot of that father-figure-wonderfullness! It feels good. He gave me some advice, that I already had thought on my own...he said to not be in a rush to get a new car. And to keep riding my bike. I figure I have at least 2-3 months of good weather. I can ride my bike. And find my car at my leisure. Then Ron told me that it he could already see that I had lost some weight. :-) Yay! I have! Being a pedestrian/bike rider is really condusive for losing weight.
I rode downtown. And locked up my bike. (That was actually my first time ever doing that!) I always rode places where I could put my bike safely out of sight, or somewhere that I could be nearby. So it was cool seeing that I could chain it, and walk around...actually run some errands...
I peered wistfully at the Vespa shop window. But then decided that I was not going to settle for a Vespa. I can get a Vespa later on if I really want one that much. But my first priority is getting a new car.
I toddled on down to Sawyer's News and bought the Consumer Reports Guides for new and used cars. I probably didn't need to do that. But I figure: considering the cost of a new car, the small investment in research before the purchase is probably warranted.
On the way home, I got a surprize call from Tim. He was in town and wanted to see me. :-) It gave me a bit of energy and made the ride home quite nice and quick, as I was looking forward to seeing him. He got to my house shortly before I did. And then we went for a walk.
After saying goodbye to Tim, I took my bike to the store and went grocery shopping with my fabulous new panniers! Weighted down with beverage refreshments and vegan instant noodle soup, I made my way home. It was a good test run. I think I'll do great tomorrow! Wish me luck! I'm going to ride to work, and then take the mail to the post office afterwork! Woo hoo! Adventure!
Did I mention...with all the money I've been saving on gas....I spent a small bit of it on some really beautiful ruby earrings! I have recently come to appreciate this thing that most women have known about since birth...or at least puberty...."the art and love of self-adornment" I have never been really inclined towards this. Growing up, I was the only girl who didn't have pierced ears for years. I generally don't wear make up. Or sadly...even do my hair. But I have begun to do these things. The jewlery was the last to kick in. But when I saw these ruby earrings at work, I was like.."Oh yeah..I could get into this. Hello darling!" They make me feel like an Indian princess. They're beautiful. Big. -The size of my finger tips. And they just feel good to wear. Not to mention I got them for a steal! -Thank you Thea!
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