May 20th, 2008; 6:28 PM
Mood: Determined
I have the utmost hope that I will be a success.
I have hope that I will graduate from college.
I have hope that I will keep my house and take good care of my mom.
I have hope that there will be a cure for my mothers disease, if not in time for her, then one day for others.
I have hope that my mom will live longer than any of her doctors expect. That she will continue to improve. She will continue to go for walks, exercise, swim, and stretch. I have hope that she will demonstrate the power of determination through tough times. That she will continue to be "mom" to me. That she will be here for years to come, with her intellect, loving spirit, and compassion to give. I have hope that she will be there on the day that I get married, and on the day that my first born child comes into this world. I want her to be there to witness my victories in life. To see me overcome my obstacles and reach my goals. I have hope for this.
I have hope that Joshua and I will share our lives together. I have hope that he will love me and that that love will continue to grow and flourish. I have hope that our friends and families will get to know each other and get along. I even have hope that some of them will become good friends and that we will enjoy spending time together with one another. I have hope that he will support me in my life goals and be my teammate. I also hope to do the same for him.
I still have hope that Oshyan and I will be the best of friends one day. That the salad days are not lost forever. And that forgiveness and a true regeneration of our kindred spirits will come to be again. I have hope that one day, we will all be very happy. With no sad endings.
I hope that gays and lesbians will be able to be married and have equal protection under the law. That their standing in our society will be one of equal footing. I have hope that people who are not gay will see why this is an important thing for us all to create in our society.
I have hope that there will be an end to war -period. That we will learn how to communicate as a collective in peaceful ways.
I also hope that education will be free on a worldwide scale, so that we can elevate our human condition, learn more about ourselves and other cultures, and create a more balanced way of being...I hope that there will not be 1st and 3rd worlds. I hope that we will be one world. -Without domination and with a feeling of true interconnectedness. In a system with 1st and 3rd worlds, there are winners and losers; there are those who oppress, and those who are subject to that oppression and economic inequality. I have hope that one day, in my lifetime, human consciousness will rise to a level of understanding and compassion for our fellow humankind, so that this kind of lack of regard for human suffering will be unthinkable. I have hope, that the economic incentives to keep the poor uneducated masses, as poor uneducated masses, will no longer be strong enough to overpower our sense of brotherly and sisterly love. I have hope that one day, we will get it right.
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