June 13th, 2007; 1:14
Current mood:
So I'm trying a new strategy. We'll see how it works. For the next month I will be focusing on things in a micro way. My usual approach is to see where I am, and see where I want to end up...and then notice the difference between the two...and asess all that needs to be done to match up the two things. Somewhere around here...I sometimes get a little overwhelmed and unfortunately...sometimes loose my focus and get stuck. SO...instead of focusing on how big the task at hand is, I am going to focus on things in small increments. Like literally.."what can I do in the next 10 minutes to get me closer to my goal?" kind of thinking. I usually don't do things this way...but I am flexable and am adapting to a new approach...It's like my own little life experiment. We'll see how it goes. The immediate plus that I see, is that I will feel good about the liitle bits that I do...which is different from me feeling bad about not having the big goal acomplished. Being an adult is a lot harder than they said it would be...Hmmmm..But maybe it's my attitude that is making that true?
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