Thursday, May 19, 2011

April George Rears Her Ugly Head -Again.

  • May. 19th, 2008 at 10:30 PM
Floppy Bunny Mess
Joshua has moved in with April. I'm trying to be cool about this. I am trying my best to be grown up, calm, mature, and self-assured. (Lemme tell ya folks. It ain't easy.) Dude...I need to be busy this next week. I need to see my friends. -A lot!!!


( 4 comments — Leave a comment )
[info]kitty8fish ( wrote:
May. 20th, 2008 09:13 am (local)
wha??? he knows how you feel about her and you didn't find out about this until AFTER he moves in? where was he living before and why wasn't that working out?

well, i hope that you can deal with this in a good way, but also i want you to have limits and boundaries that are respected. decide what those are and joshua should respect them or... well i guess you get to decide the or part but you know how i feel about it. no one should push you around.

yeah let's hang out, then. ladies night tomorrow night is a good place to start.
[info]vanmedi ( wrote:
May. 20th, 2008 12:08 pm (local)
Fully, fully, fully I so agree. Ladies night it is! Joshua and I spoke about it last night. It was a good conversation that did a lot to smooth things over. But I am still having my own personal struggle now with being self-confident and calm VS. insecure and melodramatic. I seriously am having a problem just being cool about this.
[info]witty_banter ( wrote:
May. 20th, 2008 04:57 pm (local)
Ladies. Night. Wednesday.

Also: I listened to your message about an hour ago, and then Leslie called and explained all this to me :) Sorry I didn't get back to you last night! Love you lady, it will all be OK.
[info]vanmedi ( wrote:
May. 20th, 2008 06:35 pm (local)
No worries. I'm about as cool as I can be about this right now. See you tomorrow. :-)

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