Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day Twelve of the Juice Fast

Day Twelve...and admittedly, I wasn't feeling the greatest today. My acid was up and I ended up puking at the end of the day, after struggling not to for several hours. Also, my skin is breaking out today. I find it hard to believe that this is all from yesterday's free day...but I think it is. :p 

The Cute Boy and I stocked up on fresh produce, and less acidic fruits and vegetables for tomorrow's juice. in the meanwhile, I took my acid suppressor today, and I plan on making my juices slightly more vegetable and less fruit to cut down additionally on the acid. 

On the plus side, I found myself cooking today. I'm not going to eat any of it, but I realized after a slightly stressful day with the dog trainer and hounds...and getting chastised for my lack of control over my dogs, I was completely frazzled and stressed out. I needed to unwind. Now normally when I feel this way, I would make something delicious to eat and have it. But since I've been on the juice fast, I've stayed largely away from the kitchen and food, unless I was preparing my juices. I like to cook though. It's relaxing for me. And the absence of it from my life these past weeks has been building up stress. Mainly because I haven't started developing alternative means of de-stressing in my life. So...I've got to work on that. -Tomorrow, I'll put some thought into it. But right now, I'm thinking walking the dogs, bike riding, and going to the gym are good ways of relaxing instead of cooking and eating. 

Tonight, however, I put the oats and buttermilk to soak over night for the pancakes tomorrow morning. And I also cleaned and sorted a big bag of pinto beans, which are currently soaking over night as well. The Cute Boy is going to have some tasty/healthy grub come tomorrow. 

Things I learned today:

  1. Yeah...I can eat whatever I want on my free days...but I should know by now that if I eat junk food, my body will only spaz out on it and create nausea inducing stomach acid. Next time, eat light.
  2. Cooking has been a way for me to relax all these years. 
  3. I need to find better methods of relaxation that are not so food oriented. 
  4. When all else fails...take a nap. You'll feel better, I swear.


  1. I can think of one excellent de-stress method that I know you have access to. And no, I am not referring to masturbation, but there's always that.

  2. Thanks Jodi. :) I do like to ride my're right. :))
