Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How Much Is a One-Way Ticket Around The World Anyhow???

There are so many places that I have wanted to visit. Stories that I have read of exotic locations and adventures...which in turn have lead me to dream of one day visiting them myself and having my own adventure. The spice markets of Marrakesh...The old walled city of the Medina...Cool tile rooms and fountains where you wash your hand and feet...I want to explore the world. To be a woman without bounds. To find out why life is worth living again.

Amy would *guffaw* at this. She would compare it to her husband when he considered doing the same when it looked like their marriage wasn't going to work out. She called it being like "Cain walking the earth". -It was not a compliment. I'll admit that when it was Sid and not me, the idea seemed a bit ridiculous. Not because setting out on a great adventure like that was a bad idea per se. But more because of his circumstances. I thought that he was drawn towards this because he was in essence giving up. Saying "Uncle" to the world. I guess it doesn't really matter now anyway. Both he and Amy have packed up together and disappeared into the world. True, she's not exactly walking the earth...she's more a stay at home wife, going where he goes...wherever there's a job and the money takes them. Louisiana, some Indian reservation in the Southwest, and finally Alaska or Canada. Depending on which side of the border they actually live on. The last time I saw her was at the church for my mothers funeral. She left town right after that. Some part of me doesn't think that I will see her again. But I guess the diaspora of friendships is part of growing up?

I was looking at the RWT for Virgin, and realized that I could hit three birds with one stone here. 1. I could get a vacation that would thoroughly reset my life, recharge my battery, and get me back in touch with the fearless me that is excited to be here. 2. I would finally get to take a flight on a Virgin flight and possibly even get one of those nice reclining suites. Nice. (silly...but this has been on my determinations list for years now...and who am I to discount or downplay the validity of a dream...let alone *my* dream?) 3. I have been much like a caged bird for years now. Tied down by my duties. This would be a good way of letting the little bird in me know, that she is truly free now.

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