Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Dog Officially Hates Me

So the whippet has lost all respect for me. It feels like we are an old married couple. And the resentment and unsaid things and assumptions are seeping into our marriage. It all started with losing my mother. No. Check that. It began before that, with the stress of my mother's illness. Dogs pick up on human emotions. Many a time, when my mother was in the hospital, I would come home to a huge mess on the floor. Not because the dog couldn't hold it or didn't have access to the outside potty. But more as a little doggie post-it note saying: "Hey! Fuck you! I have feelings too ya know. What's going on!?! I've been a wreck over this. Somebody come hold me and give me some treats."

Things admittedly got back on track for a while. For a while, I would hold J-Lo all the time. And then...I got 
Señor Piccolo. Her new BFF *and* arch rival for my affection. For a while there, I thought that Ms. Lo was going deaf. I would call her, and she wouldn't come. I would call her even louder and with more enthusiasm -even promising her treats...and she *still* wouldn't come. Eventually I realized that this was her way of saying "Piss off!" OK. Ms. Lo. Point taken. I need to spend more one on one time with you. I had no idea that one day I would be getting *attitude* from a dog. :p 

As if life wasn't complicated enough these days...

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