Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Facing My Knorr Addiction

On Monday, Mantights sat me down and had a serious talk with me about training, diet, sleep, everything. Since then I have been thinking more about what I eat. And pondering *what* exactly is my downfall? I like food. I like flavor. I like to have fun with my friends...and enjoy a meal together. So there's certainly a social aspect. But there is most definitely also a stress relief aspect too. I have very few vices. But honestly food is one of them. I was talking with some of my girlfriends once, and one of them came up with a very astute observation...which is also partly why food is such a tricky vice to have: Food is not like other vices. It's not like drugs or alcohol or cigarettes. With those can cut them out completely. And although it's hard. There's no need to be a recovering heroin addict who just so happens to keep heroin in the house. Not so with food. You need food. Intimately.  Every day, for the rest of your life. So it's a harder relationship to maintain. You can't get rid of it entirely. You have to be able to have it around and make good choices.

Agh! Such a struggle! 
I love salty, fatty, and delicious. Knorr onion dip with ruffles.
(Also known as: god's perfect food.)
Butter? -Hell yes! 
Cream? -I don't mind if I do. 
And soda! Even diet soda is a no-no. I drink plenty of water...but there's something special about a carbonated ice-cold drink that is just such a nice treat. It's refreshing. Anyhoo...I'm thinking about it. And working on it. I'm scheduling an appointment to talk with a nutritionist, since clearly I am not doing this stuff on my own. 

Good bye heroin. It's been a nice ride. :p It's time to replace you with asparagus apparently. 

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